Core Values

Challenge Social Norms + Inspire Creativity

Our purpose is to create a safe space for all walks of life to feel comfortable trying on clothing that match their personal and individual identity while actively promoting the arts. We value human creativity and personal goals which is why we welcome and promote local artists, musicians, and designers.

We vow to:
-Never judge a person by their differences.
-Make work fun.
-Solve problems in a timely manner.
-Continue to innovate on ideas and experiences.
-Make it stand out.
-Do it differently.
-Be active in anti-racism.
-Stick to our promises throughout the lifespan of this business.

Spring 2024 Styles to Bring in!


-Traditional/Nontraditional Trench Coats
-Quilted Jackets
-Bomber Jackets
-Denim Jackets

-Field Jackets
-Pastel Blazers
-Leather Trench
-Leather Motorcycle
-Silk Windbreakers
-Fringe Jackets


-Chore Jackets

-Work Jackets


-Double Knee Denim

-Wide Leg Jeans / Pants

-Hiking Style


-Pleated Chino / Pastel

-Artistic Style



Consignment Policy

We accept drop-offs every day between business hours M-F 12-7, Sat 11-7, and Sunday 11-6! We are looking for in-season styles depending on the season. Name brand designer pieces as well as vintage styles are welcome. Clothing brands such as Nike, Levis, Carhartt, vintage made in USA brands, streetwear brands, Tommy Hilfiger, Polo Ralph Lauren just to name a few. 

We offer a 30-day Consignment Period (meaning the clothing has 30 days to sell).  Consignment earnings are paid out by request after the 30 day period has ended. 

Item's priced over $100 are subject to a 50/50 split. Item's priced under $100 are subject to a 33/67 split. This includes vinyl records.

Locally sourced artwork rate is set at 75/25 in favor of the artist.

NEW TRADE OPTION! We have a new trade option available in which we evaluate your items and give you 50% of what we think we can sell them for on the spot! You get a *store credit* card which can be used right away!

Diversity Consignment, All rights reserved 2020
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